Anti-Gravity Core Construction


(Not me and this guy has clearly had his abs painted on him…still a good picture showing the abs)

Hello again my enthusiastic collegestuds and collegebabes,

Well, Another bites the dust! Today was supposed to be a more chill day but the workout actually turned out to be very challenging. Believe it or not, my body is very sore from the past three days of utter intensity and I was hoping that this workout would be a little bit easier. I can definitely say it was easier, but truthfully not by much. I would still classify this day as challenging. I definitely am going to take a well earned rest day tomorrow. Anyways, I just bought season tickets to see the Gophers play some football so I’ll replace blistering hours spent in the gym by tailgating instead with the fraternity next door. 

Right now I’m listening to some Arcade Fire (no, I’m not a hipster) while writing. It’s strangely relaxing. I almost feel like I’m entering some sort of trance (which will undoubtedly assist my writing…). I’m just chilling, with a sore whatever you can name and a very optimistic attitude. If I could make it through the past four days of sheer intensity than I honestly think there is nothing that will stop me in attaining my goals. Still, one must remember that in the end it is not only the intensity that transforms one into a more powerful being but also the consistency in which one approaches his or her workouts. 

I wrote four workouts from scratch and they all tore me to shreds. With a little research, anyone can create their own workouts tailored to what they want. Me? Me you ask? My desire from these Thirty Days of Hell has yet to materialize. It is not exactly clear aside from inspiring people and writing workouts what I am trying to accomplish from this. I do feel the need to prove something though, and prove it I will! There is truly nothing more fulfilling than the feeling of raw personal accomplishment. 

Four days are over and there are still a solid twenty-six days left of Hell. It surely will be an uphill battle. Still, aren’t we all intrigued by the notion of the underdog overcoming his greatest challenges? I plan on smiling the entire time I climb this damn hill.

Here is the workout for today,

Warm Up: 3.5 mile run across the Mississippi River (Decided to take a break from Tabata today)

Anti-Gravity Core Construction: (A method of using weights to tear your core apart)

  1. Side Bends w/45 lbs Dumbbell in each hand: (30,30,30,30)
  2. Deadlifts w/45 lbs Dumbbell in each hand: (12,12,10,12)
  3. Dumbbell Swings (like a kettlebell swing): 25 lbs, 30 lbs, 35 lbs, 35 lbs (10,10,10,10)
  4. Leg Lifts w/10 lbs ankle weights on each ankle: (15,15,15)
  5. Bicycle w/10 lbs ankle weights on each ankle: (30,30,30)

Post workout: Taking off the ankle weights!

So there you have it studs and babes. This surely won’t be the only core workout in the mix. I just felt that it was necessary to use the weights to go along with the theme of the last few days. I will write some workouts that don’t require weights later on. Anyways, tomorrow is a rest day but still stay tuned for another post tomorrow! Everyone should always remember how important rest is! Mmmm sleep sounds good ZZZzzzzz…