

(If you haven’t seen this movie, you haven’t lived life…)

Hey there collegestuds and collegebabes,

The weather out here is awful right now and it feels like the last traces of summer are finally gone. Sad.

Moving on. Yesterday was a long day. I felt a little stressed so I decided to go to the gym with my friend Misha. We decided that we wanted to do a chest and bicep workout so I pretty much thought one up on the spot. It was pretty good. You know how I know it was good? BECAUSE MY ARMS ARE DEAD. 

So, we worked our asses off! Whatever. Wait, not whatever. How did we manage to push ourselves so hard? Neither of us felt very mentally determined to kick ass before we got there. In fact, I feel like I practically gave Misha a speech about motivation during the first few sets of the workout. With that pump up, and the ending of the initial anxiety that a difficult workout may bring on, we soared through the workout and successfully tore up our chest and biceps. Baller!

I basically told Misha that everyone can end up at the gym. Then I asked (rhetorically) who actually benefits from it? Then I went on and said that motivation is not truly external but it is most definitely internal. True motivation comes from within, from an internal goal one has set for oneself, and from the beast from within that WILL NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER! Throughout the entire workout I was screaming under my breath at Misha to keep him motivated. Misha did a great job with the workout today. If he comes to every workout from now on with that attitude, he will be ripped in no time. 

What’s the first lesson of today? The lesson is that the act of strengthening your body is 90 percent mental. You can come to the gym, but do you have the motivation to push the weights that will truly strengthen you? Do you have the mental fortitude needed to pump weights that cause you to uncomfortably teeter totter between failure and success? Fight, because without fighting one never would achieve anything great or wondrous. 

The second lesson of the day has nothing to do with the workout, so let’s discuss the workout first!

Warmup: Tabata Protocol (with pushups to warm up the chest)

  1. pushups for 20 seconds
  2. 10 seconds of rest
  3. high knees for 20 seconds
  4. 10 seconds of rest
  5. floor sprints for 20 seconds
  6. 10 seconds of rest
  7. jumping jacks for 20 seconds
  8. 10 seconds of rest

Crazy, Intense, Monstrous Chest and Bicep Burner: (pectorals, biceps, triceps)

  1. Standar Barbell Bench Press: 185 lbs, 185 lbs, 165 lbs, 165 lbs, 155 lbs, 145 lbs, 145 lbs, 135 lbs (3,3,5,5,6,6,6,8)
  2. Machine Chst press: 100 lbs, 110 lbs, 100 lbs (15,10,10)
  3. Heavy Bicep Curls (dumbbell in each hand): 50 lbs, 45 lbs, 45 lbs, 45 lbs (5,8,8,6)
  4. Hammer Curls (dumbbell in each hand): 35 lbs, 35 lbs, 35 lbs, 35 lbs (10,10,8,8)
  5. Machine Full Arm Bicep Curl: 100 lbs, 90 lbs, 90 lbs (5,6,6)

Post Workout: Tabata Bookending

  1. burpees (without pushup) 20 seconds
  2. 10 seconds of rest
  3. high knees 20 seconds
  4. 10 seconds of rest
  5. floor sprints 20 seconds
  6. 10 seconds of rest
  7. jumping jacks 20 seconds
  8. 10 seconds of rest


So, that was a sick workout. Very basic and very efficient. Here is lesson two for the day. As we were walking out we had to make a stop behind one of the rec workers to grab our stuff from one of the cubbies that we were using to store our belongings. While we are doing that, this college(not)stud walks up to the collegebabe and asks straight out of the blue, “What’s your name?” Hell, it was so awkward my feet practically glued themselves to the floor. She was caught off guard but quickly replied (I don’t remember her name, I’m such a bad blogger). He then tried ot awkwardly start conversation and you could tell from the look he was giving her that there was only one thing on his mind! Oy, nasty man. Misha was sort of laughing so I kind of bumped him and told him to be quiet. I knew this encounter wouldn’t last for more than 5 seconds longer. I was right. It got so awkward that the guy kinda just walked away, Oy. So, me being me, and having to understand what the hell happened, I walked up to the girl working the stand and asked her if she gets that a lot. She said no and we kinda just laughed for a second. Then I said thank God and she laughed a little more. Then, (because I’m genuinely curious and am not a big fan of superficial conversation) I asked how she got a job at the rec center. She said it was easy and that applications were all online. KACHING! MULLA! After that, we said “have a goodnight to each other” and more importantly I didn’t creepily ask her her name! 

So, friends, what is lesson two?